【VRC】PMC_G3 Tactical suit
- ダウンロード商品shinano¥ 1,600
- ダウンロード商品kipfel¥ 1,600
A G3 set. This item only includes top, pants, shoes, and gloves 禁止闲鱼等二手平台倒卖 Changelog: 1.0.1 Added kipfel adaptation Adapted from shianno kipfel shinano対応 kipfel対応 Disclaimer content: No secondary distribution – no unauthorized sharing, resale or re-posting No commercial use – the costume is for personal use only and cannot be used for commercial purposes No modification or reprocessing – some creators prohibit remodeling, recoloring or splitting Liability exemption – the user of this costume is at their own risk, and the author is not responsible for any technical problems or damages No improper use – no malicious use This model is for personal use only and cannot be secondary distributed, sold or used for commercial purposes. The author is not responsible for any problems caused by the use of this model. Please be sure to abide by the rules of use Unity: 2022.3.6f1 Blender: 4.2.6 LST Photographer:FiveSpeedAsh DevilLaomao Partners:JHS_简单